Traditionally such an expression would depict mass opinion, the lynch mob mentality, and an indictment usually before the final verdict. Sorry to disappoint you. We’re not lynching anyone here. At the Knapp Gallery, we’ve applied a new sentiment to this long held expression.
Tom Brady, senior painter of The Knapp Gallery stable criticizes me for hanging our paintings here in the gallery too high. I get criticized for most things that I do. Somebody always has something to say, from the owner down to my visitors. This job has helped to thicken my skin.
Success, despite the benefits, has also with it many drawbacks. Of which one is limited space for the large size of our events. Our Gallery, though adequate in its length, suffers from an inadequate width. Hanging medium to large paintings in the front half of the gallery is a challenge, they don’t breathe well. Rarely do our events draw a small crowd. We are usually packed to the walls. Hanging wet paintings is a no-no. My insurance does not cover replacing fur coats with vermilion stripes across the back. Hanging the paintings high allows for increased vision through the crowd.
True to form, Adam’s reception had us packed out like sardines. Despite limited visibility, two medium sized paintings sold. Adam cut the deal with the collector. I was asked only to handle the paperwork. My job is becoming easier. Though I wore the soles out on three pairs of cowboy boots this year, my efforts are beginning to pay off. The work is now selling itself. I’m a bit surprised at work when it sells at openings. It is usual during the calm after the storm buyers and collector’s surface here at Knapp. Oftentimes, the show is down before I begin to get solid inquiries that lead to purchases.
I don’t expect this to be the case regarding my favorite painting of the show.
Enjoy the sunshine. It is a beautiful day.